history & milestones

50+ years of heritage in telecommunications

History & Milestones2018-11-30T20:56:50+00:00


The first Mosaictower in Australia.

Calzavara lands in Australia with its first Mosaictower installed in Mt Gravatt, Queensland, Australia.


SmartTekPole is born

A multi-functional technological smart pole designed for setting up Smart Road infrastructures.



Calzavara lands in China

calzavara signs a memorandum of understanding with Shanghai Fu Shan Precision Manufacturing Company, a spin-off of Alcatel. The agreement provides that Fu Shan operates with Chinese staff, with the aim of proposing to the Eastern market the architectural infrastructures for telecommunications, specifically designed to support the great development of Smart City and the Internet of Things technologies on which calzavara is investing.



TPS methodology: Lean Manufacturing

Since 2016 calzavara has been developing and manufacturing basing on TPS methodology, the Toyota Production System – aka Lean Manufacturing and Lean Production.

TPS has definitively given the company the blueprint for manufacturing excellence: identifying and enhancing customer perceived value; decreasing waste and cost in the manufacturing process; improving product quality and on-time delivery; developing a competitive world class manufacturing operation.