Basiliano, 02 March 2023 – Italian company Calzavara SpA, which supplies traditional and innovative structures for cellular and mobile networks, closed out 2022 with €34.5 million in revenue, representing a 16% increase over the already successful 2021.
«The telecommunications sector continued to benefit from the positive structural trend resulting from the technological transition to 5G, the fifth generation of cellular networks that requires network densification, i.e., the installation of new structures and the strengthening of existing ones – said Massimo Calzavara, CEO of Calzavara SpA – We are very pleased with the results achieved in the telecommunications sector, but also with those achieved in other areas of business. The video surveillance and security market, in which we operate under the Beeup brand, has performed well, and we are equally satisfied with Clampco Sistemi, the brand under which we produce obstruction lighting systems for the signaling of skyscrapers, energy transport pylons, and flare stacks of petrochemical plants».
The company shared this achievement with all of its employees by providing over €140,000 in benefits through the company welfare program. «I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all. Our team is always committed to a perspective of constant and continuous improvement» added Massimo Calzavara.
Marco Marcuzzi, Deputy CFO, provided financial details for the year: «The 2022 financial statements showed revenues of €34.5 million, up 16% from 2021. The value of production amounted to €34.7 million, with EBITDA equal to €4.9 million (14% on Revenues). Considering the inflationary spiral that has generated price increases throughout the supply chain, raw materials, and energy, these are excellent results, both from an economic and cash flow standpoint. It is also worth noting the financial solidity of the Company, which, thanks to careful policies of continuous improvement of incoming and outgoing flows, as well as working capital management, generated a Net Financial Position improvement of €1.5 million compared to the end of 2021».
Founded in 1966 and with over 115 employees, Calzavara SpA currently has 5 operational locations in Italy (Basiliano, Rome, Padua, Bologna, Milan) and one in Marseille, France. Always focused on international markets, Calzavara exports its products worldwide. «This year we will deploy our first structure in Australia, in Brisbane – concluded Calzavara – We also have high expectations for the development of mega-projects in Saudi Arabia, such as Red Sea or Neom, with its Smart City The Line. It is a city only 200 meters wide but extending for 170 km in the middle of the desert, which will house 9 million inhabitants and will require innovative and well-integrated architectural telecommunications infrastructure».

Massimo Calzavara

Marco Marcuzzi
Deputy CFO