We’re up and running

We’re up and running

2020-03-25T08:02:28+00:00March 24th, 2020|Tags: , , , |

Calzavara is up and running: insurance for all employees in case of contagion from Covid-19.

With reference to the provisions of the Prime Minister’s decree of 22 March 2020, Calzavara SpA is not subject to blocking of production. The company is called upon to guarantee essential telecommunications services and the maintenance services to the equipment of the 118 health service network of the region.

To protect employees who continue to work in such exceptional context, Calzavara has activated, in addition to the measures already implemented including smart-working, an economic protection and a special coverage insurance in case of coronavirus infection.

The insurance coverage that has been subscribed for all employees consists of an indemnity in case of hospitalization in case of infection, a convalescence allowance and a post-assistance package to better manage the recovery and the familiar management.

«The strength of a company, the lungs that assist to breathe and risk being infected by this new virus, are its employees – declared the CEO, Massimo CalzavaraIt is thanks to their energy, will and motivation, that the Company, the body, lives and thrives in health. Calzavara wants to preserve his health, his lungs, in order that the message is always one and only one: everything will be fine».