Covid19 Emergency – Solutions to restart safely
We offer our experience in the Security and Video Surveillance sectors by providing the best solutions for thermography to contrast the spread of the CoVid-19 virus
We offer our experience in the Security and Video Surveillance sectors by providing the best solutions for thermography to contrast the spread of the CoVid-19 virus
SmarTekPole revolutionizes Smart Cities and Smart Roads: Grand Debut at Intertraffic Amsterdam 2024
HubKO Revolutionizes Smart Cities: Grand Debut at the Leap Exhibition in Riyadh
Revenue growth and 33 hires in 2023
Calzavara on stage at the TowerXChange
Revolutionizing Urban Connectivity: The Rise of Smart Towers and the Role of "Cerneli"
Calzavara on stage at "Premiazione dell'Economia e dello Sviluppo 2023" ceremony.
Calzavara lands in Australia with its first Mosaictower installed in Mt Gravatt, Queensland, Australia.
Calzavara outlines its ESG strategies at the presentation event of Confindustria Udine's inaugural Sustainability Report.
PR FESR 2021-27 – Bando DGR 2003/2023. Codice CUP D87H24002600007