We’re up and running.

We’re up and running.

2020-03-17T15:03:37+00:00March 16th, 2020|Tags: , , , |

Calzavara does not stop!

We hope you are all right, like us, which is the most important thing!

We are up and running and working in compliance with the latest Government provisions on Covid-19 and with respect for health protection.

Operations are guaranteed by teleworking so our main phone number will remain closed until 25/03/2020.

Your usual interlocutors are available by phone and email during office hours and they will guarantee the usual professionalism from their home; for all other requests, please, send an email to info@calzavara.it

We sincerely hope to resume soon with everyday life!

Continuing to work is a step towards normality and is the only antidote we have.

Possible delays in processing your orders.

We also want to inform that, for the reasons attributable to the sudden and unpredictable pandemic of the Virus Covid-19, which has stopped Italy and is spreading throughout Europe and worldwide, the supply of goods and, in general, the evasion of all orders could be delayed.

We had to reduce our production, to ensure compliance with the prescriptions issued by the Italian government, aimed at protecting workers’ safety.

It will be our Company’s priority to put in place all possible actions to minimize any inconvenience caused by a situation which, however, is beyond our control and is evidently due to force majeure.